Your work will be successful when you take a stair-stepped approach to gaining leadership clarity and commitment to the CX competency framework. As you embed the five competencies, over time, what your company stands for will shift. Starting with the lives of customers and employees will drive decision-making and elevate how your company is perceived.
Gaining leadership commitment to the five competency framework is your first milestone.
This work hinges on c-l-a-r-i-t-y.
Executives need to understand the work that is ahead with specifics in terms of of both company action and their action, decision-making and behavior. I’ve been a broken-record that the five competencies framework provides that clarity.
- Use examples from CCO 2.0 to ensure that the united leadership team understands the scope of work.
1. Customers as Assets
2. Align Around Experience
3. Build a Customer Listening Path
4. Experience Reliability & Innovation
5. One-Company Leadership
- Take the Five Competencies Reality Check Audit. It will help you clarify the CCO role in guiding the company to build out the competencies and to clarify what you can achieve by embedding the competencies into how you operate your business.
- Modify and customize how you communicate the competencies so the language resonates with your leadership.
Most important, ensure that leadership can stand behind the strategy of the five competencies framework. Once armed with knowledge of the work ahead and their role, if they remain committed, then proceed.
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