This is the platform work for a customer experience transformation journey.
Here you define the stages of the experience and the moments of truth that comprise all of the experience touchpoints. This includes both the obvious touchpoints (such as “when the customer places their order”) as well as opportunities that might be missed (such as “when the customer places their 100th order” or “when the customer has contacted customer service three times in a month”).
- Label the continuum to define the life cycle stages with your customer
- Lead teams to identify the key 10-20 moments of truth so that you can prioritize the touch points
- Facilitate sessions to gain consensus
The significance of aligning the experience is huge. Not enough companies understand that this is the first “duct tape” exercise to get your organization moving together in one direction – and that’s to agree on the stages of your customer experience.
Once the customer experience stages are established, you can:
- Line up customer feedback to these stages – where you gather feedback on the experience.
- Use the stages to frame and assign cross-company accountability. This gives leaders a way to hold the company accountable – to stages of the experience and to cross functional teams who impact the stage. Getting agreement here means changing accountability from “down the silo” scorecards and dashboards to “across the experience” shared metrics and accountability.
- Use the stages to identify and track performance metrics. Connect cross-silo operational metrics for the delivery of cohesive experiences.
- Establish reward and recognition that enforces key moments.
Download the pdf: How to Reduce Dueling Silos
(Includes steps to define customer experience stages, identify cross-silo dependencies and evaluate the silo impact across the customer experience.)
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