What I aim to provide in keynotes

Jeanne Bliss Keynote

It was a busy summer for us, in part because we moved — but in part because I had the honor of doing a few keynote speeches at different organizations.

I was supposed to roll out a new podcast today, but we had some timing issues (try getting people on the same page after Labor Day as FY17 strategy sessions are taking place), and I decided to do a quick post on the keynote side of my work.

You can learn more about what I do as a keynote speaker here, but I operate from the base principle that “Your event is your moment.” I want to make sure I deliver a memory — and actionable items — for your audience.

Some topics I tend to embrace include:

  • Become a Beloved & Prosperous Company that Earns Social Media Raves & Growth
  • Helping Companies Grow…by Improving Customers’ Lives
  • How to Build Your Customer-Driven Growth Engine
  • Leading Customer Experience Transformation & Innovation
  • The role of the Chief Customer Officer
  • Unite Your C-Suite to Transform Your Business

Everything is always tied to the five-competency customer experience framework, and, in fact — here’s a video of me delivering a keynote designed around the competencies.

I had some energy that day!

Here’s another popular one on “Earning Your Customers’ Raves:”

In this keynote or workshop, I take you “behind the scenes” into the decision making that happens inside beloved companies. Discover the five common decisions they make and put into practice that makes them immune to the competition and thriving, in good times and bad. Learn how their culture is their growth engine, and the impact of their uncommon decision-making. Then, through this session, begin the process to understand how your decisions and actions have created your culture. Understand its impact on your customers, on your employees and on your business growth and prosperity. Become a Beloved and Prosperous Company.

And finally, here’s a third sample on “Building A Customer-Driven Growth Engine.”

One of the biggest value-adds of this keynote, in my humble opinion, is that I walk through insights from over 40 CCOs on how they’ve incorporated customer experience work into their businesses. Now, I’ve recently started to do the same on my podcast, so you can always get some amazing insights there if you don’t have the ability to attend a keynote.

Give me a call at 425-444-7654 so we can chat about this meeting you’re planning, or email me at Jeanne@customerbliss.com. I look forward to working with you on memory creation for your audience.

In the meantime, we’ll be back tomorrow with a guest post, then Thursday with a cool post on the role of digital storytelling in customer experience — including some quotes from well-established billionaire entrepreneurs!

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