“A great customer experience is the result of 1000 small decisions. When you have the entire organization understanding what success is, what the principles of that success are, and tools that you can use to improve it, then everybody starts working in the right direction,” says Nathan Henderson, CEO of BILT Incorporated.
BILT is a customer experience platform. It operates as an app that provides a 3D assembly experience for customers who need to build a finished item like a grill or bed frame. BILT has worked with companies such as Weber, IKEA, and the Home Depot, to help empower customers and give them the confidence needed in order to complete their project. Nathan shares that BILT makes it so the first experience with their DIY assembly is so successful and empowering, that the person comes away from that experience as a promoter of the brand or product.
Nathan and I discuss some of the principals behind BILT’s success, one of them being that they measure it by their own customer’s success. His company operates with a customer-focused lens, and this is a tenet that is strongly embedded in their culture. Listen to the full episode to hear Nathan’s insights on leadership, get his book recommendations, and learn how the incredible efficacy of BILT’s product helped them thrive during the pandemic.
Watch Your Customer Interact With Your Product
Nathan shares that BILT relies on Net Promoter Scores to help determine their success; they have found it to be a good indicator of the company’s performance. He mentions that when he first structured the business, one of the first things they did before launching the app commercially was to watch people assemble and install products using the app.
Nathan explains that when they contract with companies, he and his team usually receive a sample of the product and the instructions. The BILT teams go through the assembly themselves to ensure the instructions are accurate and lead to a smooth setup. It’s important that they feel the friction of any customer reactions and solve for it. They improve any bumps along the way and ultimately help improve the brand’s NPS as well. BILT is deliberate about changing the customer’s interaction with the brand’s product and curating a positive customer experience.
Be deliberate about changing the customer’s interaction with your product and curating a positive customer experience. –– Nathan Henderson @BILTapp #CX #customerexperience Share on X
Unite Leadership Under One Shared Mission
When it comes to uniting the leadership team, Nathan explains that he has his leaders read a few recommended books. One in particular is, How Will You Measure Your Life? By Clayton Christensen. He believes that this is a book that helps represent the mission and value of BILT. The team is instructed to read it, write down their thoughts, then come together as a leadership team to define what the mission and success looks like. Nathan says, “This is so important because now, this is no longer just an intellectual exercise, you’re now changing people’s hearts around a great mission.”
Nathan also shares that as you look at your organization as time passes, you have to ensure that you’re constantly adjusting to fulfill your mission and success. During BILT team meetings, the updates and report outs are done by the brand support team since they’re closest to the customer. He tells us that they are a small, but empowered and united team who understand what customer success looks like on the front lines. They have the relationships with the customers, so their knowledge is incredibly helpful to the leadership teams, and by giving them the power to share the voice of the customer, they’re able to break through any unintentionally formed silos.
Empower your frontline teams and allow them to bring their voice and insights to the table. They provide a lot of value to leadership teams. –– Nathan Henderson @BILTapp #CX Share on X
What Do You Know Now That You Wish You Knew Then?
Nathan says:
“Whether you’re in your own business or you’re the entrepreneurial mind that’s looking at how to move your work forward, I cannot underscore how important persistence is in the process. And you must persist, humbly be willing to learn. But you have to recognize that process takes a lot of time.”
About Nathan Henderson
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